Donate Today & Change a Life
Funding a ministry is sometime challenging, yet we never want it to distract us from God’s purpose and calling. Any size gift can make an impact for life! Please consider making your gift an automatically recurring monthly gift. Recurring gifts provide greater blessing for your giving dollars through efficiency and effective planning and use of resources.
Your donation is tax deductible. You will receive an e-receipt for each donation made and a final statement in January listing all the donations we have received for the preceding year. Please make sure we have your current email address on file. Please click the button below to complete the online giving form. You can choose to give by credit card, or automatic bank draft. Give confidently using our secure form. Your financial data is encrypted and protected. We respect your privacy and identity by securing your information. We do not share this information with anyone outside of the actual secure transaction process or as required by law.
Salem Pregnancy Care Center is a 501(c)3 organization. EIN # 561449033
We gladly accept the following items:
Formula, Baby Food, Diapers, Wipes, Baby Clothes (Preemie -2T), Strollers, Bouncers, and other Miscellaneous Baby Items! For a detailed listing, please contact us at 336.760.3680 or scroll down to view our greatest needs.
Please call before dropping off sizable items such as changing tables, large highchairs, strollers and exersaucers as we have limited storage and take these items on an as needed basis.
Drop off Donations:
No appointment is necessary to drop off donations. Simply bring your donations to the Center during our donation drop off hours (listed below) and we will provide a donation receipt, upon request.
Monday: 9am-2pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursdays: 9am-8pm
Friday: 9am-2pm
Things we do NOT accept:
Mattresses, furniture, used breastfeeding equipment, car seats, and cribs.
Most Needed Items:
- Baby Wash
- Bibs
- Bottles
- NEW Pacifiers
- NEW Teething Rings
- Size 4, 5 and 6 Diapers (no parent’s choice brand please)
- Wipes (prefer unscented)
- Gerber Good Start Soothe Formula
- Gerber Good Start Gentle Formula